DIY Pink and White Playhouse
A little girls dream!
Quick and Easy Playhouse Makeover.
For the past few years, I have been pinning DIY playhouses, dreaming of the perfect one for my girls. I wanted a playhouse reflecting our own home but with a few girly touches.
Looking on Facebook Marketplace for a used wood playhouse I could fix up and paint in the Atlanta area was impossible. Whenever one would pop up online, the seller would want $20 under a brand new one! One thing I miss about living in Gainesville, FL, is finding stuff like this for $30-50 if I kept my eyes peeled. In the Atlanta area, people overprice their used belongings for whatever reason.
But I digress–back to the playhouse.
When mentioning to a neighbor friend how I would love a playhouse, she said she had the same plan for her girls. She found a wood house at Academy Sports for only $99 it is sold out now but Walmart has a similar one for $197. We had just entered a Shelter-In-Place order in our state but they were still doing curb pick up, so I went for it and ordered one. The original coloring was nice but I had something more feminine and custom in mind. All it took was a little paint and house numbers from the Target Dollar Spot.
The house had flower boxes on the front (original grayish blue) so I got matte pastel pink spray paint and painted them light pink. I did the same with the door. If doing it all over, I would just use normal paint. The spray paint left some drip marks and did not cover as well as expected.
My real house is a blue-gray color, so I left the window ledges and roof the blue-gray and painted the rest of the outside of the house white. The white made such a difference! The original color was not bad. It was a light natural wood, but the white paint made it pop.
I got lucky and found some metal decorative numbers for $1 in the Target Dollar Spot and put them on the front door. To make it look like a “real” house, I found some outdoor solar-powered path lights meant for the side of a house and mounted them on the front like porch lights. The first time my oldest daughter stayed up late enough to see the lights in action she was over-the-moon excited about them!
Some cute rainbow and inspiration décor from the Target Dollar Spot was just the thing for decorating the inside of the house. Using tacks and hot glue, I attached them to the inside walls, and also found these cute oversized clips to hang inside for displaying original artwork created by the girls and their friends.
This DIY playhouse makeover was so easy even though it looks custom and amazing! If you have been thinking about taking on a project like this, go for it! I am in no way crafty or artsy and have had many Pinterest fails over the years, but this project was a slam-dunk!
Here is a shopping list to help get you started!
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