Flyebaby - Infant In Arms Inflight Help
When moms and dads think about traveling with an infant, they often break out in cold sweats and anxiety. However, the reality is if you are prepared, traveling with babies doesn’t have to be a nightmare. One product I used with my first daughter and just used again with my second helps make playing with an “infant in arms” a tad less stressful and more manageable. The FlyeBaby is a super convenient inflight baby hammock-style seat that attaches to the tray table in front of you and secures around your waist. This seat makes it possible to have some hands-free time on the plane, but it also provides a place for your baby to sit facing you, making it easy to feed them (if they are on solids), play with them, or just let them relax and sleep (if you’re lucky enough to have a baby who knows how to relax).
Overall, our experience using the FlyeBaby with both children was great. The seat is made of cloth with Velcro and buckles, so it folds up into a small case that fits well in my bag. When I got on the plane, I secured the seat to the tray table and let it hang there until we reached cruising altitude. Like baby carriers, TSA does not allow you to use the FlyeBaby during takeoff and landing.
I absolutely recommend getting one if you plan on flying long distance with an infant in arms. Even if your baby won’t sleep in the Flyebaby, they can sit up and have room to stretch out, not to mention it helps free up your hands! This product is not as helpful on shorter flights because of the set up and take down required, but if you are going overseas (and don’t have the bulkhead bassinette) or on a flight that is more than an hour, I say give it a try.
Some things to consider and tips about the product: The Velcro is color coded so you know what connects to what, but make sure you take it out and try to figure out how it works before you board the plane. It’s simple, but traveling – especially with children - is stressful, so having one less thing to worry about is helpful. Secondly, the seat attaches to the seat in front of you, so be considerate. Just like a kicking toddler or kid, having a bouncy baby in this seat might be an annoyance to the passenger in front of you. Also, if your airplane has armrest tables it will not work, but this is less common unless you are in first or business class.