Working Family

I know this may not apply to all working households but I wanted to set the record straight for mine. My husband works full time, he has a good job and makes good money. I work full time, I have a great job and make good money. We are a working FAMILY, taking on the stresses of the household and the office, we do it together... Even though I will admit I carry a lot of the stereotypical burden of being the "mom" we both as parents work hard to provide and prioritize our family and time with our daughter. For some reason I think its important we don't forget that not all working mom's are at it alone. My husband pushes and supports me to further my career and pursue success because my success is our success. There are times that I wish I had  an "easy" job, or stayed at home but the reality is my personality would not stand for it. I love my daughter but 24hrs a day with little interaction with adults does not sound like my cup of tea.

I am a working mom but I am not doing it alone. Sometimes I wonder if I am missing out by working and to be honest I'm still not convinced I am not... BUT I am proud of all my family has accomplished and look forward to dominating our career paths even more as we grow.






PS. Those Mom's and Dad's that do it solo props to you! #yourock