My Girls not Bossy...

I think it is safe to say that we have all seen, said or heard "She's not Bossy she is a leader". As a member of the infamous "bossy woman's club" and the mother of a very smart assertive and sure of herself two year old little lady, we both encounter this phrase often.

Unfortunately, to me is is not funny or cute it is a reality that many women in leadership have to deal with on a regular basis. Being "bossy" and a female has not always been a cute meme or  t-shirt...

It is a struggle to be taken seriously, respected or heard instead of being perceived as pushy  in the work place. Why can't a woman be assertive (bossy) and confident? Men do it every day in leadership and no one calls them bossy.

Luckily for me I have over come this stereotype and excelled in my career. Although, who knows where I would be if my CEO was not herself a member of the "bossy woman's club". Despite my title and leadership role, I am often given this label when simply doing the job I worked hard to earn.

I hope I can show my daughter that there is no shame in being confident in herself AND her ability to lead her peers with power and grace. The world is changing and woman's rights have advanced greatly over the years, but we still have work to do.

On a day like today as we inaugurate our new president, Donald Trump, I can't help but to feel unsure of the future for women, but know we are fighters and will march on (pun intended).


#ihustleforher #girlpower #imnotbossyimaleader




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